Please take the time to read this post, Tylden Town needs you!
Are you able to take on a role in the Tylden Hall committee and help make a difference to our beautiful town asset, the Tylden Hall?
This year there will be focus on making the outdoor space a place for the community to play. socialise and a chance to create our own Tylden market days.
Town hall renovations are also due and council will be organising works to improve the look and functionality of the hall.
The Tylden Hall AGM will be held on Monday 9th September at 7pm where the office bearers of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Bookings Officer will be nominated, voted on and decided.
The committee meets only once every two months, and for a small investment of time, members make a big difference to our tiny town.
There is also a need for non office bearing general members that can contribute ideas, opinions and help make strategic planning decisions in regards to the above projects and others.
In the past, these positions have been understaffed and if you think you can play a role please come along to the meeting to express your interest or PM me before the meeting if you have any questions.
Thanks for reading. We look forward to seeing you there!